About the Journal


A publication of Editorial Infomedic International.
Paitilla Medical Offices, #430
Panama, Rep. of Panama
First edition: June 2023.

eISSN (Spanish): 2953-3139

This publication is distributed under CC-BY-SA license.
For more information contact the publisher.

About the Journal

The Journal Genetica y Genómica Latinoamérica (RGGL), is a journal affiliated to the Latin American Network for Cooperation in Genomics and Clinical Genetics, of the Editorial Infomedic International.

The focus of the journal is to share experiences and knowledge in this field in Spanish-speaking countries with contributions from experts from other continents.

The projection of the journal is to become a reference center for the implementation of molecular diagnostics and personalized medicine.

The Journal is open and publishes original unpublished articles, review topics, clinical case reports, relevant short communications, letters to the editor, as well as related opinions expressed in editorials. Manuscripts will be accepted for publication only if they have not been previously published.

The journal has started with two publication options, free and open access.  The free option allows any author to submit their manuscript at no additional cost. The open access version uses the CCBY 4.0 license, which allows placement of your manuscript in HTML version and free redistribution of the manuscript.

The Journal assumes no responsibility for the consequences of the use of the information contained in its publications. They reflect the exclusive point of view of their authors.

Address of the journal: Consultorio Médicos Paitilla, #430, Panama Rep. Panama, P.O. Box 12639.

Best Practices

The Journal adheres to the best practices, recommendations and procedures proposed by the Committee on Advertising Ethics (COPE) for the publication of scientific journals.

Authors must take into account the principles of the World Medical Association on human research and the well-known Declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki- principios-éticos-para-la-investigación-medica-en-sujetos-humanos/).

The Journal also endorses the ICMJE recommendations for the conduct, writing, editing and publication of papers in medical journals (http://www.icmje.org/recomendaciones/).

Clinical studies should use CONSORT or TREND guidelines when appropriate. Meta-analysis studies should follow PRISMA guidelines. Diagnostic reports should follow STARD guidelines. Epidemiological studies should consult with the STROBE Initiative. Microarray reports should follow MIAME guidelines and be published in accessible repositories. In biomedical research, authors can evaluate BioShari guidelines.

Human studies

In the case of clinical experiments in humans, the studies must have institutional and ethics committee approval, statements of the implementation of good clinical practices, and document how informed consent was obtained. If requested by the Journal, authors should provide this material. This includes following the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. In addition, registration of clinical trials with WHO or ICMJE may be requested.

Animal studies

Animal studies must be conducted in accordance with internationally accepted standards. Institutions must obtain approvals from their institutional or equivalent committees (ethics committees). This information should be reported in the manuscript.

Informed Consent

Studies should follow privacy standards and request signed informed consent. The Journal requires the request of consent by the investigators to the subjects of the study, under the WHO/WHO international regulations and compliance with local regulations. Studies containing personally identifiable information will not be accepted.

Declaration of conflict of interest and sources of funding

Authors should also declare any possible conflict of interest in a short paragraph at the end of their manuscript. Our journal is regulated under the guidelines of the International Committee of Medica Journal Editors (ICMJE). This declaration includes owning stock, providing consulting services, organizational memberships, financial partnerships, travel fees, or royalties. A conflict of interest should be identified by any direct or indirect benefit, whether financial or not, derived from the publication and provided by a third party. Likewise, authors should disclose the source of funding for their work or any sponsor that supported the research directly or indirectly.

When the author submits the manuscript, each listed co-author will receive an e-mail with a link to a digital potential conflict of interest form. This form should be filled out by each co-author by clicking on the submit button. The model form was taken from the International Committee of Medical Editors.

Image of the Digital Conflict of Interest form/Image of the Digital Conflict of Interest form

Once the material is received you will be sent an email informing you of this. Your paper will be read by the editors, and if it is accepted for review you will receive a notification. It will be subject to peer review. It will then be forwarded to you with the editors' comments, questions and suggestions. They should return the responses and changes in a separate file, where the changes are shown and marked. When publications are accepted, authors should take into account that this material cannot be published in another journal. The journal reserves the right to require compliance with these rules.

Cost of publication

Publication in the Journal is free of charge for authors in the initial stages. Subsequently, the Journal reserves the right to request a financial contribution upon approval of a manuscript for publication.

The CC-BY license option is an international license for free distribution or OPEN ACCESS of your article. This cost is optional at this time, requested to authors who wish this modality, whose payment is made once their article has been approved for publication. Likewise, the content of your manuscript will be in full text and PDF format with CC-BY license. See example: https://www.revistamedica.org/index.php/rmdp/article/view/1950

Distribution, use and license

The authors grant exclusive license to the Publisher for the reproduction and distribution of the material submitted. The published content may be used for individual and academic use, and not for commercial use. For commercial use of the material, or its distribution, redistribution requires written permission from the Publisher.

The use of material presented through this site must not be modified, nor any image extracted, nor any logo removed. Any identification of its primary source must be presented as is in the digital document.

Version March 2023