Editorial Team - Vol 2 Num 2 2024

Open Access
Journal Genetics and Clinical Genomics1



editorial board


Editorial work

The following team of professionals from different health areas participated in the preparation of this issue.

Dr. Jorge D. Méndez-Ríos, MD, MS, PhD.
Hospital Université Laval, Québec, Canadá

Dr. Luis Gustavo Celis, MSc.
Universidad de La Sabana, Chía, Colombia

Dr. Carolina Rivera Nieto, MD, MSc
Bogotá, Colombia

Dr. Ricardo Fernández-Ramires, PhD
Genetic Counselor. Grupo Chileno de Cáncer Hereditario (GCCH)

Rosamaria Mora, Arch, MSc.

Infomedic International
Consultorios Médicos Paitilla #430
Panama, Rep. of Panama
Published for the Collaborative Network for Genetics and Clinical Genomics.
First edition: June 2023.
Current edition: August 2024.
eISSN L 3072-9610 (English)

This publication is distributed under the CC-BY-SA license.

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