Editorial Team for this issue

Editors and Reviewers: Year 2023, Volume 1, Issue 2
Published: October 22th, 2023
Editors and Reviewers
The following team of professionals from different health areas participated in the preparation of this issue.
Jorge D. Méndez-Ríos, MD, MS, PhD.
Physician and Molecular Geneticist
Lorena Salazar García, PhD.
Molecular Geneticist
Celia Cantón
Pediatrician and Clinical Geneticist
Lina Johanna Moreno Giraldo, MD, MS, PhD
Pediatrician and Molecular Geneticist
Variant identification and interpretation
Jorge David Mendez-Rios
Genetics of pain and management of chronic pain by extracorporeal depuration therapies
Enrique Daniel Austin-Ward
Case report
Report of a severe case of Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome
Katlin Annyana De La Rosa Poueriet
Importance of identifying genetic cardiovarscular risk in pediatric patients
Juan Manuel Sánchez-Vargas, Lina Johanna Moreno-Giraldo
Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome: Report of the first case in the Dominican Republic
Bary Bigay Mercedes
eISSN L 3072-9610 (English)